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yan.litt про серию За последним порогом

В целом средненько, я бы даже сказал скучная жвачка. ГГ отпрыск изгнанной мамки-целицельницы, у которого осталось куча влиятельных дедушек бабушек из великих семей. И вот он там и крутится вертится - зарабатывает себе репу среди дворянства. Особого негатива к нему нет. Сюжет логичен, мир проработан, герои выглядят живыми. Но тем не менее скучненько как то. Из 10 я бы поставил 5 баллов и рекомендовал почитать что то более энергичное.

Рейтинг: 0 ( 0 за, 0 против).
Lena Stol про Небокрад: Костоправ. Книга 1 (Героическая фантастика)

Интересно, сюжет оригинален, хотя и здесь присутствует такой шаблон как академия, но без навязчивых, пустых диалогов. Книга понравилась.

Рейтинг: 0 ( 1 за, 1 против).
Lena Stol про Батаев: Проклятьем заклейменный (Героическая фантастика)

Бросила читать практически в самом начале - неинтересно.

Рейтинг: 0 ( 1 за, 1 против).
Lena Stol про Чернов: Стиратель (Попаданцы)

Хорошее фэнтези, прочитала быстро и с интересом.

Рейтинг: 0 ( 1 за, 1 против).
Влад и мир про серию История Московских Кланов

Прочитал первую книгу и часть второй. Скукота, для меня ничего интересно. 90% текста - разбор интриг, написанных по детски. ГГ практически ничему не учится и непонятно, что хочет, так как вовсе не человек, а высший демон, всё что надо достаёт по "щучьему велению". Я лично вообще не понимаю, зачем высшему демону нужны люди и зачем им открывать свои тайны. Живётся ему лучше в нечеловеческом мире. С этой точки зрения весь сюжет - туповат от

  подробнее ...

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Словарь-компаньон для тех, кто изучает экономику [Валентина Анатольевна Кононова] (pdf) читать постранично, страница - 7

Книга в формате pdf! Изображения и текст могут не отображаться!

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for the typical household; it compares the value of a basket of goods and
services in one year with the value of the same basket in a base year.
Inflation and deflation are measured as a percentage change in the value
of the basket from one year to another.

CONSUMER SURPLUS – излишек потребителя; дополнительная
выгода для потребителя
Consumer surplus is the amount a buyer is willing to pay for a good minus the amount the buyer actually pays for it; it refers to the difference
between the highest prices consumers are willing to pay for a good and
the price actually paid. Consumer surplus measures the benefit buyers receive from participating in a market. For example, John receives a $20
benefit from participating in the auction because he pays only $80
for a good he values at $100. Paul, George, and Ringo get no consumer
surplus from participating in the auction because they left without the album and without paying anything.

CONSUMPTION – потребление; потребительская активность
Consumption is spending by households (consumers) on goods and services, with the exception of purchases of new housing. Goods include
household spending on durable goods, such as automobiles and appliances, and nondurable goods, such as food and clothing. Services include
such intangible items as haircuts and medical care. Household spending
on education is also included in consumption of services.

CONTRACTIONARY FISCAL POLICY – жесткая финансово-кредитная политика; жёсткая фискальная политика
Contractionary fiscal policy refers to fiscal policy usually pursued in an
inflation, involving a decrease in government spending or an increase
in taxes (or both). May be contrasted with expansionary fiscal policy.

CONTRACTIONARY MONETARY POLICY – меры сдерживающего воздействия на рост денежной массы; политика сокращения
денежной массы
Contractionary monetary policy refers to monetary policy usually pursued in an inflation, involving an increase in interest rates, intended to
lower investment and consumption spending; also known as ‘tight monetary policy’. May be contrasted with expansionery monetary policy.

CORE RATE OF INFLATION – стержневой темп инфляции
Core rate of inflation is a rate of inflation based on a consumer price
index that excludes goods with highly volatile (unstable) prices, notably
food and energy prices.

CORPORATE INDEBTEDNESS – корпоративная задолженность
Corporate indebtedness. The degree to which corporations have debts.

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY – корпоративная социальная ответственность
Corporate social responsibility is the practice of some corporations to
avoid socially undesirable activities, such as polluting activities, employing children, or employing workers under unhealthy conditions; as well as
undertaking socially desirable activities, such as support for human rights
and donations to charities.

CORRECTIVE TAX – корректирующий налог
A corrective tax is a tax designed to induce private decision makers to
take account of the social costs that arise from a negative externality. Instead of regulating behavior in response to an externality, the government
can use market-based policies to align private incentives with social efficiency. For instance, the government can internalize the externality by
taxing activities that have negative externalities and subsidizing activities
that have positive externalities. Taxes enacted to deal with the effects of
negative externalities are called corrective taxes. They are also called
Pigovian taxes after economist Arthur Pigou (1877–1959), an early advocate of their use. An ideal corrective tax would equal the external cost from
an activity with negative externalities, and an ideal corrective subsidy
would equal the external benefit from an activity with positive externalities.

COST – стоимость; затраты
Cost is the value of everything a seller must give up to produce a good.

COST–BENEFIT ANALYSIS – анализ экономического эффекта
A cost–benefit analysis a study that compares the costs and benefits to
society of providing a public good.
Suppose that the government is considering a public project, such as building
a new highway. To judge whether to build the highway, it must compare the
total benefits of all those who would use it to the costs of building and maintaining it. To make this decision, the government might hire a team of economists and engineers to conduct a study, called a cost–benefit analysis,
to estimate the total costs and benefits of the project to society as a whole.

COST-PUSH INFLATION – затратная инфляция; инфляция издержек
Cost-push inflation is a type of inflation caused by a fall in aggregate
supply, in turn resulting from increases in costs of production (for example, wages or prices of other inputs).

COSTS OF PRODUCTION – затраты на производство; издержки
производства; себестоимость
Costs of production is the total opportunity costs incurred by firms
in order to acquire resources for use in production; include explicit costs
(for purchased resources) and implicit costs (for self-owned resources).

CREDIT ITEMS – кредитовая запись; кредитовая проводка; кредитовая статья; статья баланса пассивная
Credit items: in the balance of payments, they refer to payments received
from other countries, entering the balance of payments accounts with
a plus sign; they represent an inflow of foreign exchange into a country.

эластичность спроса по цене
Cross-price elasticity of demand (XED) is a measure of the responsiveness of the demand for one good to a change in the price of another good;
measured by the percentage change in the quantity of one good demanded
divided by the percentage change in the price of another good. If XED > 0
the two goods are substitutes; if XED < 0, the two goods are complements. It is a measure of how much the quantity demanded of one good
responds to a change in the price of another good, computed as the percentage change in quantity demanded of the first good divided by the percentage change in the price of the second good. The cross-price elasticity
of demand measures how the quantity demanded of one good responds to
a change in the price of another good. It is calculated as the percentage
change in quantity demanded of good 1 divided by the percentage change
in the price of good 2.

CROWDING OUT – замещение частных инвестиций государственными расходами; вытеснение частных инвестиций государственными
Crowding out refers to the possible impacts on real GDP of increased
government spending (expansionary fiscal policy) financed by borrowing;
if increased government borrowing results in a higher rate of interest, this
could reduce private investment spending, thus reversing the impacts of
the government’s expansionary fiscal policy. It is a decrease in investment
that results from government borrowing. The fall in investment because of
government borrowing is called crowding out. When the government borrows to finance its budget deficit, it crowds out private borrowers who are
trying to finance investment.

CROWDING-OUT EFFECT – эффект вытеснения (частных инвестиций вследствие роста государственных расходов)
Crowding-out effect is the offset in aggregate demand that results when
expansionary fiscal policy raises the interest rate and thereby reduces investment spending.
The multiplier effect seems to suggest that when, e.g., the US government
buys $20 billion of planes from Boeing, the resulting expansion in aggregate demand is necessarily larger than $20 billion. Yet another effect
works in the opposite direction. While an increase in government purchases stimulates the aggregate demand for goods and services, it also
causes the interest