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yan.litt про серию За последним порогом

В целом средненько, я бы даже сказал скучная жвачка. ГГ отпрыск изгнанной мамки-целицельницы, у которого осталось куча влиятельных дедушек бабушек из великих семей. И вот он там и крутится вертится - зарабатывает себе репу среди дворянства. Особого негатива к нему нет. Сюжет логичен, мир проработан, герои выглядят живыми. Но тем не менее скучненько как то. Из 10 я бы поставил 5 баллов и рекомендовал почитать что то более энергичное.

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Lena Stol про Небокрад: Костоправ. Книга 1 (Героическая фантастика)

Интересно, сюжет оригинален, хотя и здесь присутствует такой шаблон как академия, но без навязчивых, пустых диалогов. Книга понравилась.

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Lena Stol про Батаев: Проклятьем заклейменный (Героическая фантастика)

Бросила читать практически в самом начале - неинтересно.

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Lena Stol про Чернов: Стиратель (Попаданцы)

Хорошее фэнтези, прочитала быстро и с интересом.

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Влад и мир про серию История Московских Кланов

Прочитал первую книгу и часть второй. Скукота, для меня ничего интересно. 90% текста - разбор интриг, написанных по детски. ГГ практически ничему не учится и непонятно, что хочет, так как вовсе не человек, а высший демон, всё что надо достаёт по "щучьему велению". Я лично вообще не понимаю, зачем высшему демону нужны люди и зачем им открывать свои тайны. Живётся ему лучше в нечеловеческом мире. С этой точки зрения весь сюжет - туповат от

  подробнее ...

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Основы английского языка. Грамматика, словарь, устойчивые выражения [Павел Петрович Литвинов] (doc) читать постранично, страница - 2

Книга в формате doc! Изображения и текст могут не отображаться!

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erudite ['eru:daɪt] People who are erudite show gre# academic knowledge.
Отсутствие способности
посредственный mediocre ['mi:dɪoukə] Something that is medio^ is of poor quality.
ддий average ['ævənʤ] You use “average” to describe a person or thing in order to indicate that they are typical or normal.
ной dull [dʌl] You can say that somebody is z/w//when he shows no П interest in anything.
dim-witted ['dɪm'wɪtɪd] Somebody who is dim-witted is not able to understand things.
глупый stolid ['stɔlɪd] Stolid means stupid.
пупый stupid ['stju:pɪd] Somebody who is stupid shows a lack of good judgement or intelligence and is not sensible. A sensible person is able to make a good decisions and judgements based on reason rather than emotions.
глупый silly ('sɪlɪ] If you say that somebody is silly, you mean that he is behaving in a foolish or childish way.
наивный naive [nɑ:'i:v] Somebody who is naive believes that things are much less complicated or difficult than they really are.
незнающий ignorant ['ɪgnərənt] Somebody who is ignorant of some­thing does not know about it.
сумасшедший mad [mæd] Somebody who is mad has a mind that does not work in a normal way, so that his behavior is very strange and sometimes frightening.
сумасшедший crazy ['kreɪzɪ] You say that somebody is crazy when he talks or behaves in a very strange or foolish way.
прилежный diligent ['dilɪʤənt] Somebody who is diligent works hard and carefully.
Усердный industrious [m'dʌstnəs] Somebody whois industriouswcriks very hard.
ленивый lazy ['leɪzi] Somebody who is lazy tries to avoid doing any work or making any effort to do something.
^Уратный accurate ['ækjunt] A person is accurate if he or she is able to perform a task precisely and without making a mistake.
^ный exact [ɪg'zækt] Exact means correct or accurate.
Режный negligent ['neglɪʤənt] When somebody is negligent, he ðɑes not show care for something that he is responsible for/ or
B(J does not do something that he ought to do.
ательный careful ['kɛəful 1 If you are careful, you do something wUh a lot of attention and thought/ or you do something thor­oughly and make sure that all details are correct.
внимательный attentive [ə'tentɪv] Somebody who is attentive close attention to the person or thing that he is listening to’ looking at. *
рассеянный absent-minded ['æbsənt'maɪndɪd] Somebody whŋ absent-minded often forgets things. `
рассеянный distracted [dɪs'træktɪd] If you are distracred, you^ thinking about something else.
невнимательный careless ['kɛəlɪs] If you are careless, you dona pay enough attention to what you are doing and so you mah mistakes or produce unsatisfactory redult.
тщательный thorough ['θʌrə].
опытный experienced [ɪks'pɪənənst] You describe somebody as ен perienced when they are skilled at a particular job because theɪ have done it for a long time.
неопытный inexperienced [ɪnɪks'pɪərɪənst] If you are inexperience you have little or no experience in a particular activity.
умелый skillful or skilful ['skilful] Somebody who is skillfull somei thing does it very well.
неумелый unskillful ['ʌn'skɪlful] Unskillful people are not able todo a particular job.
неумелый unskilled ['ʌn'skɪld] Unskilled workers do work that dot: not require any special training.
неуклюжий clumsy ['klʌmzɪ] Somebody who is clumsy moves o: handles things in a careless, awkward way often so that thing: are knocked over or broken.
неуклюжий awkward ['ɔ:kwəd] Somebody who is awkward is clumsy ловкий deft [deft] A deft action is skillful and quick.
ловкий dexterous ['dekstərəs) Somebody who is dexterous is ver skillful with their hands.
высококвалифицированный high-skilled ['haɪ'skɪld].
чувствительный sensitive ['sensɪtiv] If you are sensitive to people’s problems and feeling, you show understanding arl1 awareness of them.
ц^гкий susceptible [sə'septəblɪ If you are susceptible to something, 7 you are likely to be influenced by it.
сентиментальный sentimental [sentɪ'mentl] Somebody or something that is sentimental feels or arouses emotion such as tenderless, romance, or sadness, sometimes to an extent which is consid­
ered exagerated.
черствый hard-hearted ['hɑ:d'hɑ:tɪd] Somebody who is hard-hearted has no sympathy for people and does not care if they are hurt
or unhappy.
безразличный indifferent [ɪn'dɪfrənt] If you are indifferent to some­thing, you have no interest to it.
спокойный calm [kɑ:m] Somebody who is calm does not show any worry or excitement.
спокойный quiet ['kwaiət] A quiet person behaves in a calm way and is not easily made angry or upset.
спокойный tranquil ['træŋkwɪl] If you feel tranquil, you feel calm and relaxed.
нервный nervous ['nə:vəs] If you are nervous, you are worried and frightened. A nervous person is very tense and easily upset. (If you are tense, you are worried and cannot relax).
раздражительный irritable ['ɪrɪtəbl] If you are irritable, you easily become angry.
счастливый happy ['hæpɪ] Somebody who is happy has feelings of pleasure, often because something nice has happened.
везучий lucky ['ɪʌkɪ] You say that somebody is lucky when he has something that is very desirable or when he always seems to have good luck.
Радостный joyful ['ʤɔɪful] Somebody who is joyful is extremely happy.
Радостный merry ['men].
аеселый cheerful ['tʃɪəfuŋ-
Довольный glad [glæd] If you are glad about something, you are happy and pleased about it.
Удовлетворенный satisfied ['sætɪsfaid].
Счастливый unhappy [ʌn'hæpɪj If you are unhappy, you are sad and depressed.
печальный sad [sæd] If you are sad, you are not happy, usually cause something has happened that you do not like.
горестный sorrowful ['sɔrouful] Somebody who is sorrowful show; deep sadness.
огорченный sorry ['sɔn].
расстроенный upset [ʌpset].
в хорошем настроении high-spirited ['haɪ'spɪrɪtɪd] Somebody who is high-spirited is cheerful, in a good humour, in a good mood
в плохом настроении low-spirited l'lou'spɪntɪd] Somebody who is low-spirited is in a bad humour, upset, in a bad mood.
оптимистический optimistic [ɔptɪ'mɪstik] Somebody who is opti­mistic is hopeful about the future.
пессимистический pessimistic [pesɪ'mɪstɪk] Somebody who is pes­simistic thinks that bad things are going to happen.
Эмоциональная оценка
хороший good [gud] Something that is good is pleasant/ of high quality/ successful. If you say that a sutuation or idea is good you mean it is desireble, acceptable, or right.
плохой bad [bæd] Something that is bad is unpleasant, harmful, undesirable/is of unacceptably low standard, quality or amount, интересный interesting ['ɪntrɪstɪŋ] Ifyou find something interesting it attracts your attention.
скучный tiresome ['taɪəsəm] A person or thing that is tiresome makes you feel bored.
надоедливый boring [Ъэ:пд] Something that is toriwgis so uninter­esting that it makes people tired and impatient.
приятный pleasant [pleznt] Something that is pleasant is nice, en­joyable, or attractive.
приятный agreeable [ə'gnəbl] If something is agreeable it is pleas­ant.
неприятный disgusting [dɪs'gʌstɪŋ] If you say that something is di$' gusting, you mean that it is extremely unpleasant.
неприятный unpleasant [ʌn'pleznt] If you say that something is pleasant it gives you bad feeling by making you upset, uncom­fortable, or frightened.
отталкивающий repulsive [n'pʌlsɪv] Something that is repulsive^ disgusting.
опийный excellent ['eksəɪənt] Something that is excellent is very good indeed.
^вершенный perfect l'pə:fikt] Something that is perfect is as good as it can possibly be.
красивый beautiful [^u:təful] A beautiful woman is very attractive to look at.
великолепный splendid ['splendid] Splendid means excellent.
великолепный gorgeous