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kiyanyn про Деревянко: Что не так со структурой атомов? (Физика)

Первый признак псевдонаучного бреда на физмат темы - отсутствие формул (или наличие тривиальных, на уровне школьной арифметики) - имеется :)

Отсутствие ссылок на чужие работы - тоже.

Да эти все формальные критерии и ни к чему, и так видно, что автор в физике остановился на уровне учебника 6-7 класса. Даже на советскую "Детскую энциклопедию" не тянет.

Чего их всех так тянет именно в физику? писали б что-то юридически-экономическое

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Рейтинг: 0 ( 0 за, 0 против).
Влад и мир про Сомов: Пустой (СИ) (Боевая фантастика)

От его ГГ и писанины блевать хочется. Сам ГГ себя считает себя ниже плинтуса. ГГ - инвалид со скверным характером, стонущим и обвиняющий всех по любому поводу, труслив, любит подхалимничать и бить в спину. Его подобрали, привели в стаб и практически был на содержании. При нападений тварей на стаб, стал убивать охранников и знахаря. Оправдывает свои действия запущенным видом других, при этом точно так же не следит за собой и спит на

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Рейтинг: +1 ( 1 за, 0 против).
Влад и мир про Nezloi: Первый чемпион Земли 2 (Боевая фантастика)

Мне понравились обе книги.

Рейтинг: +1 ( 1 за, 0 против).
Влад и мир про ezh: Всадник Системы (Попаданцы)

Прочитал обе книги с удовольствием. Спасибо автору!

Рейтинг: +1 ( 1 за, 0 против).
Влад и мир про Ветров: ЩИТ ИМПЕРИИ – Альтернатива (Боевая фантастика)

Слог хороший, но действие ГГ на уровне детсада. ГГ -дурак дураком. Его квартиру ограбили, впустил явно преступников, сестру явно украли.
О преступниках явившихся под видом полиции не сообщает. Соглашается с полицией не писать заявление о пропаже сестры. Что есть запрет писать заявление ранее 3 дней? Мало ли, что кто-то не хочет работать, надо входить в их интерес? Есть прокуратура и т.д., что может заставить не желающих работать. Сестра не

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Рейтинг: +1 ( 1 за, 0 против).

Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve… [Николай Владимирович Лакутин] (fb2) читать постранично, страница - 6

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doesn't look up from the phone. All the time something there reads, hides. He thinks I don't notice anything.

NORA (calmly): And the mobile phone always puts the screen down?

ALINA (surprised): Yes… How do you know?

NORA (calmly): Guys… They are not very inventive. They think they're the smartest, they beat their fists on their chests, but… in fact, we know who's who.

ALINA (hysterically, falling into tears): Kapets! He's cheating on me!

Alina is crying.

Nora feels guilty of causing mental suffering to Alina. Doesn't know what to do.

He pats Alina's shoulder.

NORA (sympathetically): Well, well…

Alina is crying even harder, even more demonstratively.

Nora is confused. It changes the strategy. Begins to defend Alina's husband busily.

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): Listen to me! What makes you think he has someone? Did you find him in bed with someone?

ALINA (thoughtfully, uncertainly): No…

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): did you Hear him cooing with his mistress on the phone and paying her all sorts of compliments, Recalling past meetings?

ALINA (thoughtfully, uncertainly): No…

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): does he always smell someone else's perfume?

ALINA (thoughtfully, uncertainly): No…

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): Did you find the wrong Hickey on his neck?

ALINA (thoughtfully, uncertainly): No… And I don't find my own there…

NORA (distantly): This is not the point!

They both take a breath.

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): Maybe he doesn't come home for the night sometimes?

ALINA (thoughtfully, uncertainly): No, always home on time.

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): did He call you by a false name in bed?

ALINA (thoughtfully, uncertainly): No…

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): Well, what did you worry about then? Get those thoughts out of your head! You can think of a lot of things, you know. On the phone? Who's not on the phone right now? From small to large. At least sometimes your phone breaks away from your smartphone. Puts the screen down? Well, let him put it down if he likes it that way. And mine… with the phone wakes up, with the phone goes to bed! Dines, goes to the toilet and shower with him… He has no time to put his gadget down the screen, because the phone is always in his hands!

Alina wipes away her tears and calms down.

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): So, friend, don't get your head full of nonsense. And don't try to follow him. Your husband is a great guy. Take care of him, take care of him, and don't let it get on his head. Then everything will be fine for you!

ALINA (calming down): Thank you, Nora. Calmed. Actually, if you look at it like that, it's really all right. Why did I actually draw it like that? Okay… I'll run. Come visit with Lenya!

Alina gets up and recovers.

NORA (positive): Come in! Somehow…

Alina leaves, Nora waves to her from the bench.



Lenya stands haggard in the apartment of his mistress. He looks grim. Susanna tugs at his cheeks.

SUSANNA (childish): Why is my little bear so glum lately? He was gaunt and haggard. Your wife probably doesn't feed you at home at all. I'm going to have to learn to cook, right?

LENYA (lisping and mumbling, because Susanna is holding him by the cheeks): Your little bear is very tired at work, very tired of all this fuss, hassle and tearing between you and your wife, and your little bear wants to break up with all this once and for all!

SUSANNA (squealing with joy, jumping up and down): Mmmm.... Hooray! Well, finally! I knew it would happen sooner or later!

Susanna rushes to hug Lenya. Squeezes his neck hard. Lenya puffs out his cheeks and looks at the audience with a pained look, because he meant the opposite.

Susannah runs off, shrieking merrily into the kitchen.

Lenya looks after her, twists at her temple, throws up her hands in indignation, slaps her head, somehow emotionally gestures, showing her displeasure. He no longer knows how to hint and bring the conversation to a breakup so that Susanna finally understands that he is leaving her.

Susanna hurries back with a bottle of wine and two glasses. She can not contain her joy, although she tries, but it still breaks out in the form of hysterical giggles and, of course, a smile to the ears, which just "kills" Lenya. He looks at Susanna and can't… well, can't tell her about the breakup. Yes, frankly, I don't really want to do it. The actors ' performance speaks for itself about all this.

SUSANNA (joyfully, hastily opening the bottle): I love this bottle… I know how long ago I saved it for such a case… (dreamily) Mmm…

LENYA (sadly): Susanna, I didn't mean that at all, I just want to say that you and I are…

SUSANNA (interrupts with impatience): A gorgeous couple! I completely agree with you, my love!

Susanna runs to Lena and hugs him, kisses him, just floods him with hugs.

Both fall. Susanna frolics, is happy, and of course… sticks…


Lena has no choice but to reciprocate.



At the entrance to meet Leonid and Semyon.

SEMYON (with hope): Well?

LENYA (sadly): Yes nifiga!

SEMYON (sympathetically): Everything went wrong again?

LENYA (with a feeling of pain): Yes, I can't understand anything at all. Either she's a fool or I'm a fool. How is that even possible? I directly text it hint that all! Ales! The edge! Kaput! Finita La Comedia! And she generally understands everything in the other direction. I told her about Foma, and she told me about Erema. Well, here's how to talk to these women? In what language?

SEMYON (sympathetically): Yes… Well, today doesn't count. Let's start next time. But only for sure, so that without any!

LENYA (cheerfully, confidently): what are you talking about! I'm flint! Said – done!

Friends shake hands with each other with reverence, disperse.


Then four scenes go without words!!!

Music plays in the background.


Dude! in another jacket meets you at the entrance of the Seeds. Gestures asks about how everything went, Semyon gestures explains some circumstances, it becomes clear that nothing he did not succeed.

Leon shrugs sympathetically, understandingly, waving his hand, shake hands, diverge.



Senya meets at the entrance to the Lenya. The jackets are different, it's a different day, different events. Gestures asks about how everything went, Lenya gestures explains some circumstances, it becomes clear that once again nothing happened for him.

Semyon shrugs his shoulders sympathetically and waves his hand knowingly. They shake hands and disperse.


The music changes!


The chimes are ringing!


On the stage, a pair of seeds and Alina are highlighted on One side, and a pair of Leni and Nora are highlighted on the other side with another light.

The couple of Leni and Nora does not pay attention to the couple of Semyon and Alina and it is mutual. They are like everyone in their apartments to meet a family holiday.

They sit on the floors or on sofas, or on chairs (at the discretion of the Director), look at each other with loving eyes, hold glasses of wine, clink glasses, hug, celebrate the coming of the New year!




On the stage, a pair of Semyon and Kristina is highlighted on one side, and a pair of Leni and Susanna are highlighted on the other side with another light.

The couple of Leni and Susanna does not pay attention to the couple of Semyon and Kristina and it is mutual. They seem to spend the first days of January in their apartments.

They sit on the floors or on sofas, or on chairs (at the discretion of the Director), look at each other with loving eyes, hold glasses of wine, clink glasses, exchange gifts, hug!



Cheerful and happy, in full uniform with snowboards in their hands, perfectly rolled, Lenya and Semyon enter the recreation area at the ski club.

They laugh, shout, and discuss their Hobbies.

SEMYON (emotionally): Ha, I beat you on the first mountain!

LENYA (good, but with a sneer): By number of falls?

SEMYON (emotionally): In this I have no equal at all!!! Why don't they hold competitions in the quality and number of snowboard falls? I'll be a world champion in no time!

LENYA (good, but with a sneer): That yes… and even before you reach the mark with the "Start" line.

SEMYON (approvingly, marking this argument with