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Влад и мир про Тарханов: Мы, Мигель Мартинес (Альтернативная история)

Оценку не ставлю, но начало туповатое. ГГ пробило на чаёк и думать ГГ пока не в может. Потом запой. Идет тупой набор звуков и действий. То что у нормального человека на анализ обстановки тратится секунды или на минуты, тут полный ноль. ГГ только понял, что он обрезанный еврей. Дальше идет пустой трёп. ГГ всего боится и это основная тема. ГГ признал в себе опального и застреленного писателя, позже оправданного. В основном идёт

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Рейтинг: 0 ( 0 за, 0 против).
iv4f3dorov про Тюрин: Цепной пес самодержавия (Альтернативная история)

Афтырь упоротый мудак, жертва перестройки.

Рейтинг: +1 ( 1 за, 0 против).
iv4f3dorov про Дорнбург: Змеелов в СССР (Альтернативная история)

Очередное антисоветское гавно размазанное тонким слоем по всем страницам. Афтырь ты мудак.

Рейтинг: +2 ( 3 за, 1 против).
A.Stern про Штерн: Анархопокалипсис (СИ) (Боевик)

Вы когда воруете чужие книги с АТ: https://author.today/work/234524, вы хотя бы жанр указывайте правильный и прологи не удаляйте.
(Заходите к автору оригинала в профиль, раз понравилось!)

Какое же это фентези, или это эпоха возрождения в постапокалиптическом мире? -)
(Спасибо неизвестному за пиар, советую ознакомиться с автором оригинала по ссылке)

Ещё раз спасибо за бесплатный пиар! Жаль вы не всё произведение публикуете х)

Рейтинг: 0 ( 1 за, 1 против).
чтун про серию Вселенная Вечности

Все четыре книги за пару дней "ушли". Но, строго любителям ЛитАниме (кароч, любителям фанфиков В0) ). Не подкачал, Антон Романович, с "чувством, толком, расстановкой" сделал. Осталось только проду ждать, да...

Рейтинг: +2 ( 2 за, 0 против).

Angel of love [Alexey Psikha] (fb2) читать постранично, страница - 11

- Angel of love 964 Кб, 47с. скачать: (fb2)  читать: (полностью) - (постранично) - Alexey Psikha

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in and refreshed my face. Oh yeah…

"Amy, how you feel today?" – I asked.

"A Little bit tired" – she answered.

"Ok… ok" – I said.

I went out and asked the towel. Amy found one for me. Good…

"Our dinner was good. Tasty and hearty" – I said.

"Yeah… good cafe" – she said.

We were ready to get into the bed. Awesome. I laid down and Amy too. But who turned off the light? I did it. Amy rolled into the bed for a while. But it's ok. I could understand it.

"Give me a hug" – she said.

"Ok… ok. Have a nice dream" – I said.

"Good Night" – she said.

Morning… I woke up first. I went to the bathroom. Yeah… time to woke up Amy…

After some minutes… Amy woke up. Ok.

"How was the night?" – I asked.

"Slept deeply" – she answered.

"You want go to eat something?" – I asked.

"Yes, we can go" – she answered.

We visited one more good cafe, which Amy knew. Tasty food, good mood. I always say like this. Time to back home. Amy took motorbike taxi, and I sent a kiss to her. She was shy. Ok… ok. No problem.

I went back to my room. Damn… what a good feeling? The first thought I had? Yeah… take shower. You know it. A little bit cold shower. Always good for health. Amy far away.

I opened my laptop and checked the money balance. Time to withdraw some cash. I went to the ATM. Oh shit… got some cash. And what else? Of course… need to buy some water. I was coming back home not so fast… why? You ask? I should make one phone call…


"Hello" – Tim answered.

"Hey… hey, how are you doing?" – I asked.

"Oh… 'J'. Good, good. And you?" – he answered.

"Awesome, Tim. Awesome" – I said.

"How was the last night?" – he asked.

"You ask how? I met Amy" – I answered.

"Do you know something about Amy?" – he asked.

"What exactly?" – I answered.

"She is a model" – he said.

"Oh… yes, she looks very attractive" – I said.

"Ok… ok. Just let you know" – he said.

"I got it" – I said.

"Take care yourself" – he said.

"Sure… you too. See you" – I said.

"See you, Bye" – he said.

"Bye" – I said.

I hung up the phone. Damn… I suspected something similar. No problem. I say like this. Ok… ok. Why don't I buy some fruits? Pineapple and watermelon. Same always. I speak! I found the place, where can buy these fruits. Ok! I bought some.

I went back to my room. I made a drink for myself and went out to the balcony. Such a good day. Good day, good mood. We must understand it. My drink and me. And balcony? Just me! Ok… ok! I had a thought… Maybe, I'm in love? Everything is possible.

Night… I'm calling Amy…

"Hello" – Amy answered.

"Hello, it's me. How are you?" – I asked.

"Fine. And you?" – she answered.

"Good… good. What are you going to do tonight?" – I asked.

"Working" – she answered.

"Ok… ok. Just asked" – I said.

"And you?" – she asked.

"Stay home" – I answered.

"Ok. Call later" – she said.

"Sure" – I said.

I hung up the phone. Amy. I thought about her. Maybe, I found somebody interesting for me. My mind was filled of her. I decided to ask myself. Do I go to see her tonight? Do I go to see her next day? Yes, I want this. See her tonight, see her next day! And sleep together.

This is my story.
