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medicus про Демина: Не выпускайте чудовищ из шкафа (Детективная фантастика)

Очень. Рублёные. Фразы. По несколько слов. Каждая. Слог от этого выглядит специфическим. Тяжко это читать. Трудно продираться. Устал. На 12% бросил.

Рейтинг: +1 ( 1 за, 0 против).
kiyanyn про Деревянко: Что не так со структурой атомов? (Физика)

Первый признак псевдонаучного бреда на физмат темы - отсутствие формул (или наличие тривиальных, на уровне школьной арифметики) - имеется :)

Отсутствие ссылок на чужие работы - тоже.

Да эти все формальные критерии и ни к чему, и так видно, что автор в физике остановился на уровне учебника 6-7 класса. Даже на советскую "Детскую энциклопедию" не тянет.

Чего их всех так тянет именно в физику? писали б что-то юридически-экономическое

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Рейтинг: +3 ( 3 за, 0 против).
Влад и мир про Сомов: Пустой (СИ) (Боевая фантастика)

От его ГГ и писанины блевать хочется. Сам ГГ себя считает себя ниже плинтуса. ГГ - инвалид со скверным характером, стонущим и обвиняющий всех по любому поводу, труслив, любит подхалимничать и бить в спину. Его подобрали, привели в стаб и практически был на содержании. При нападений тварей на стаб, стал убивать охранников и знахаря. Оправдывает свои действия запущенным видом других, при этом точно так же не следит за собой и спит на

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Рейтинг: +2 ( 2 за, 0 против).
Влад и мир про Nezloi: Первый чемпион Земли 2 (Боевая фантастика)

Мне понравились обе книги.

Рейтинг: +2 ( 2 за, 0 против).
Влад и мир про ezh: Всадник Системы (Попаданцы)

Прочитал обе книги с удовольствием. Спасибо автору!

Рейтинг: +1 ( 1 за, 0 против).

Amber Sword 6 English [Неизвестный] (fb2) читать постранично, страница - 608

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the clouds above the sky, the sea breeze slowly, and the stationery in her hand seemed to fly up.

Above the envelope, a black pine seal was stamped.

A young man walked on the boulevard of the fir collar, his beard and a worn straw hat, covered with blades of grass, looking around curiously. On the broad streets on both sides of Firthaw Fort, the appearance has changed greatly. The roads are flanked by emerging buildings-all kinds of magic workshops, steam roars, and iron castings are erected on the green belt. The lamppost of the palace is also hung with the royal lily emblem.

Pedestrians on the road have not seen such a shabby guy since the age of silver in the First Age. They have set their sights on this young man. The young man, without realizing it, stopped to stop and asked:

“Brother, what year is this?”

“which year?”

“I mean, how long has it been since the year of the sword?”

The man looked at the young man as if looking at a neurosis: “This is the second era of Natsuno, this year is twelve years away from the year of the sword,” and then he patted the young mans shoulder: “Young man, Drinking less alcohol is not good for your body— “

Carglis couldnt laugh or cry.

He did not expect that after returning to everything for a while and exile a space, it took him 12 years to return to this world. And the most important thing is that everything here has changed with the Eruin he knows—the lords are gone, the kingdom has three more provinces in the Black Forest, and the Wang Dang is in ten years. The dissolution was announced before, and the war was over, so that the locals of Tonigel turned out to be a rotten drunkard.

He sighed slightly, but there was something in his heart.

Eruin still exists, Lord Lord, where are you?

He grabbed the mans arm, took out a silver coin from his pocket, put it in the others hand, and asked, “Which is today and what celebration is this?”

Cargalis pointed at the lights on both sides of the street full of lily-veiled curtains, and on the square in the distance there were tables for beer kegs and food. The entire fir collar is now filled with a festive atmosphere.

“Dont you know, man, this is Her Royal Highnesss wedding—”

“Her Royal Highnesss wedding?” Cargalis was taken aback. “Griffin was married, but to whom?”

“What princess Griffin,” said the man indignantly, “His Highness Princess passed away a few years ago. Take care of your mouth, young man, who is married to Princess Fossa.”

“The princess is ill? Married to Princess Fossa?”

Caglilis watched the man go a little dumbfounded, and his brain didnt respond for a long time—who was Princess Fossa?

He walked into the central square of Firburg Castle with some dismay, and under the bright sunlight, the towering statue finally caught his eyes.

Cargalis stood still.

Tears burst out of his eyes instantly.

Because he finally recognized it, the most striking statue of a knight above the square was the man he admired.

His Lord Lord.

He stood so timidly under the statue until someone came to him, stood side by side with him, and looked up at the statue. After a while, the talent said:

“For many years, fewer people will stop under this statue.”

Caglis suddenly turned back when he heard the familiar voice.

“Mr. Reto?”

“Caglis !?”

High arch windows, bright colors, the courtyard outside the window, as always, the scenery. As if in this decade, this somewhat quiet study had not changed much since the year her father died.

Griffin quietly looked at the bench under the curtain, the red velvet cushion on the chair, and the golden sunlight of the afternoon was reflected. The dust was flying up and down in the bundle of sunlight, and she still remembers a young girl sitting on this chair and listening to the story told by Overwell on that equally quiet afternoon.

Her Royal Highness blinked slowly, and she closed her mind and closed the door gently, before turning and walking outward.

But a voice stopped her behind her.


Haruzer wears a crown on her head, and looks at her sisters somewhat slender and high back. In the past ten years, he has grown up and has the responsibility and responsibility as a king. But there was something that he couldnt let go in his heart.

“Call me the princess.”

“Sister,” Haruzer couldnt help but said softly, “take me to say hello to the teacher.”

Griffin turned his head and looked at his brother.

Her Royal Highness smiled lightly on her face: “Why not go alone?”

“Teacher he doesnt want to see me—”

“Really?” Griffin flashed a narrow light in his eyes. “Speaking of it, Ill marry him instead of you.”


Haruzer suddenly couldnt bear it: “Can you stop talking about Princess Fusha, I didnt mean it on purpose.”

“It doesnt matter,” Princess Griffin smiled happily. “Shell be me in the future, naturally it has nothing to do with you.”

Haruzer looked at her sister criedly.

From time to time, laughter and laughter came from the lobby of Fort fir firt, and everyone was preparing for the next wedding-the wedding of Viscount Canoran and Princess Fusha, although perhaps six months ago, Eruin also returned No one has ever known exactly where this Kanolan is in this kingdom. Perhaps a newly reclaimed land in the Black Forest, a brave knight won the heart of the princess.

Everything, like the legend ten years ago.

But in harmony, there will always be some discordant notes. For example, here is a voice that sounds like some eyebrows and eyebrows, angrily said: “This account is wrong again, Antitina! Wheres Flo, call Furo!”

The awkward lady smiled wryly as she looked at the merchant with her little eyebrows raised in front of herself, and replied, “Fro has already traveled with Mr. Shir on the Great Plains, and they are bringing Tia together.”

“Oh,” the angry merchant lady knocked on her head. “I remember, this account is in charge of that guy—”

She looked up and saw a sneaky figure going upstairs, and immediately yelled, ” Bredel , stop me!”

But how could Bredel stand still and ran away immediately.

So almost all the castle could hear the angry voice of Miss Merchant: ” Bredel , youre dead, did you climb on the little dragons bed again yesterday?”

“Still Scarlett ? Or the two little she-wolves!”

The mountain girl was preparing to go out, but upon hearing this sentence, a red cloud flew up on her face. She just opened the door, and saw a lord master winking at her outside.

Sally froze, and closed the door silently again.

“In short,” Miss Merchants voice came in from the outside: “I tell you, Bredel , the bed can be messed up, but the account cannot be messed up. If you make such a low-level mistake again, I will kick you out of me Chamber of Commerce! “

In the garden, Morpheus was overjoyed as the chicken flying in the castle jumped, and he looked at his sister. Anderiege took a look at that direction, and replied, “A couple of men and women.”

The little silver elf princess sitting aside, listening to Andrighs complaining, couldnt help but smile, she looked up and stared at the sun-dappled trees.

Suddenly I felt an unprecedented peace in my heart.

Within the cemetery.

Edessa quietly stared at the quiet but lonely tombstone in the rose bushes, her eyes soft, as if recalling everything that was many years ago. In an era when people today call it chaos, her heart can find support, but in this era, she can only feel alone.

She stayed in front of the tomb for a while, just like this afternoon every week, she would stop here. For her, in this lonely graveyard was buried a king in