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Khan77 про Павел: Ага, вот я тут (Попаданцы)

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Влад и мир про Ангелов: Эсминцы и коса смерти. Том 1 (Альтернативная история)

Мне не понравился стиль написания - сухой и насквозь казённый. Не люблю книги канцеляристов.

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Влад и мир про Сухов: Каторжанин (Попаданцы)

Очень понравились две книги, этой серии. Весьма увлекательно.

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yan.litt про серию За последним порогом

В целом средненько, я бы даже сказал скучная жвачка. ГГ отпрыск изгнанной мамки-целицельницы, у которого осталось куча влиятельных дедушек бабушек из великих семей. И вот он там и крутится вертится - зарабатывает себе репу среди дворянства. Особого негатива к нему нет. Сюжет логичен, мир проработан, герои выглядят живыми. Но тем не менее скучненько как то. Из 10 я бы поставил 5 баллов и рекомендовал почитать что то более энергичное.

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Lena Stol про Небокрад: Костоправ. Книга 1 (Героическая фантастика)

Интересно, сюжет оригинален, хотя и здесь присутствует такой шаблон как академия, но без навязчивых, пустых диалогов. Книга понравилась.

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The Gospel of Jesus 1-2- Youth-Travels [Urantia Foundation] (fb2) читать постранично, страница - 27

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the way home he spent a day and a night alone on the slopes of Gilboa, near where King Saul had taken his life; and when he arrived at Capernaum, he seemed more cheerful than when he had left John in Jerusalem.

134:9.6 (1495.3)  The next morning Jesus went to the chest containing his personal effects, which had remained in Zebedee’s workshop, put on his apron, and presented himself for work, saying, “It behooves me to keep busy while I wait for my hour to come.” And he worked several months, until January of the following year, in the boatshop, by the side of his brother James. After this period of working with Jesus, no matter what doubts came up to becloud James’s understanding of the lifework of the Son of Man, he never again really and wholly gave up his faith in the mission of Jesus.

134:9.7 (1495.4)  During this final period of Jesus’ work at the boatshop, he spent most of his time on the interior finishing of some of the larger craft. He took great pains with all his handiwork and seemed to experience the satisfaction of human achievement when he had completed a commendable piece of work. Though he wasted little time upon trifles, he was a painstaking workman when it came to the essentials of any given undertaking.

134:9.8 (1495.5)  As time passed, rumors came to Capernaum of one John who was preaching while baptizing penitents in the Jordan, and John preached: “The kingdom of heaven is at hand; repent and be baptized.” Jesus listened to these reports as John slowly worked his way up the Jordan valley from the ford of the river nearest to Jerusalem. But Jesus worked on, making boats, until John had journeyed up the river to a point near Pella in the month of January of the next year, a.d. 26, when he laid down his tools, declaring, “My hour has come,” and presently presented himself to John for baptism.

134:9.9 (1495.6)  But a great change had been coming over Jesus. Few of the people who had enjoyed his visits and ministrations as he had gone up and down in the land ever subsequently recognized in the public teacher the same person they had known and loved as a private individual in former years. And there was a reason for this failure of his early beneficiaries to recognize him in his later role of public and authoritative teacher. For long years this transformation of mind and spirit had been in progress, and it was finished during the eventful sojourn on Mount Hermon.