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Влад и мир про Nezloi: Первый чемпион Земли 2 (Боевая фантастика)

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Влад и мир про ezh: Всадник Системы (Попаданцы)

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Влад и мир про Ветров: ЩИТ ИМПЕРИИ – Альтернатива (Боевая фантастика)

Слог хороший, но действие ГГ на уровне детсада. ГГ -дурак дураком. Его квартиру ограбили, впустил явно преступников, сестру явно украли.
О преступниках явившихся под видом полиции не сообщает. Соглашается с полицией не писать заявление о пропаже сестры. Что есть запрет писать заявление ранее 3 дней? Мало ли, что кто-то не хочет работать, надо входить в их интерес? Есть прокуратура и т.д., что может заставить не желающих работать. Сестра не

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Serg55 про Борискин: Просто жизнь… (СИ) (Альтернативная история)


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DXBCKT про Джеймс: Пятьдесят оттенков серого (Современная проза)

Вообще-то если я вижу книгу непонятной мне серии которую я не опознаю (в данном случае серии «Книга покорившая мир», которую я вообще первый раз наблюдаю)) в оформлении «мне плевать как там и что» (т.е когда ВООБЩЕ НЕТ никаких ОБЩИХ признаков принадлежности к серии и каждый новый том «лепится» по своему), с неизвестным западным автором и пафосной аннотацией по типу «НУ БЛИН... ВО-О-О-Т ЭТ-О-О КруТ-Т-Т-ьььь» (подставить нужное:

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Zetatalk- Selected articles [Zetatalk] (fb2) читать постранично, страница - 3

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size of the explosion in proportion to the volume of violently venting gas.

The burn was lit by the wick traveling back along the wisp of methane that had been blow up and southwest by the prevailing westerlies over Siberia. What witnesses saw was the burn off of methane that had disbursed into the air and was not sandwiched between burning masses so that its heat had nowhere to go, the basis of exploding, rather than burning, gas bombs. The process was:

Methane gas hisses out from under frozen permafrost that had been cracked like a sheet of glass due to earth stress, pre-shock to the earthquake that was recorded during the Tunguska explosion.

Methane gas mixes with the air as it rises, followed by more hissing air, so that a huge cloud of methane has formed in the atmosphere over Tunguska, equivalent to all the natural gas at any given time in the US.

A wick of methane that has drifted upward and southeast, driven by the prevailing westerlies, is sparked due to the air movement, the same process that causes lighting due to rapid air movement during storms.

The lit methane burns rapidly back along the wick, the "meteor" that was seen, lights all the gas that is encountered but before all but the nearest witnesses can see it, those who died in the explosion, an overburn over gasses closer to the surface prevents heat from rising and an explosive situation occurs.

The explanation that a meteor exploded above ground is an attempt by the establishment to avoid the methane gas, and thus the pole shift and shifting crust issue. Comets and meteors do not explode when encountering Earth’s atmosphere. This is not what your history or science presents to you! If they are monstrous, they plunge to Earth and leave a crater such as the Gulf of Mexico off Yucatan. If they are tiny, they burn up in the atmosphere as shooting stars. If they are midsized, they burn on their periphery but land to be rocks picked up and examined by your scientists. The lack of meteor particles or dust proves that it was not an exploding meteor. Methane, once burned or disbursed into the air, leaves no trace. Meteors leave traces, methane does not.

ZetaTalk: Sentience

Note: written on May 15, 1996.

Man values his intelligence, forethought, empathy, and consciousness, as these place him above the other animals on the Earth, or so he thinks. Man is a sentient being, but the low life of the Earth have these qualities in some measure too, as they are concomitant with what the basic building blocks of life throughout the Universe produce. From simple one celled creatures to the complexity of a hominoid, life interacts with its surroundings in the same manner. Life that survives at all is self protective, and thus has self awareness of sorts. If it must do more than simply react to survive, must be proactive, then a form of forethought has occurred. Animals with the same genetic structure can scarcely help but experience empathy with each other when cries of distress are heard or the tensed posture of defense is assumed. Early empathy is simply shared neuron patterns and shared experiences. Thus, depending on the chemical components of the world and the path evolution takes on that world, the sentient creatures that result may take any form, and the list would be infinite. Sentience is not exclusive to man, or to mammals, or to the Earth - it is concomitant with life itself throughout the Universe.

ZetaTalk: Early Man

Note: written on Jul 15, 1995.

Man has a fascination with his early forms for good reason. Early Man was father to the child, and the child wishes to know whereof he sprang. Early Man's appearance changed as his developmental stages changed - ranging as one would expect from ape-like to man-like. Hypothesis on his appearance almost always leans in the direction of man-like traits, as humans feel uncomfortable to some degree when contemplating their origins. Monkeys have bright coloration on their faces and behinds, and so did early White Man. Sharp prominent teeth were a characteristic of Gypsy Man, whose grimacing face was more tooth than otherwise. African Black Man was covered with hair, in his early stages, and though black men of today are without beards in the main, beards were present in the prototype. And the descendants of China Man would be surprised to learn he had a tail for quite some time.

Man, in each of the 6 races, was developed in stages, and between these development stages was allowed a period of time for things to settle down and for the genetically engineered product to be road tested. Would it break down? Frequently this happened, resulting in intervention, fine tuning the product to correct whatever was deemed to be the problem. Archeologists discover bones, such as those of Neanderthal Man, and wonder what became of him. Did he die out? Did he evolve? It seems he rather abruptly disappeared, and such a strapping fellow, he was!

Neanderthal Man was taken in hand to correct a problem. All of him? Yes. This was affected by making him sterile, a simple snip to the male, where he roamed free, and genetically engineering those taken into the lab. So there be no misinterpretation, let us explain that the lab did not consist of cages, but in this instance was an island, and a paradise at that. The lab was a controlled environment, but with no more controls than necessary. So what were Neanderthal's problems, and what did he become? Neanderthal, big brute that he was, had a digestive problem. It is often assumed that he died out because he was stupid, or confrontational, but he was none of these and underwent change only because he had tummy troubles. He was not living his full life, and some died young, due to inability to digest the foods available, to take advantage of the fauna and flora that were perforce his menu. Coming out of his genetic correction, and returned to his environs, he looked different - a bit like Cro Magnon Man.

The bones of Homo Erectus simply mark the evolution of more than one race at a particular stage. Where did he go? Into the labs to become the next stage. You can equate the puzzle archeologists are trying to put together with litter along the highway. Here there are Coke bottles, there plastic wrappers, and at yet another stretch, no litter at all. If one did not understand that litter was influenced by recycling efforts and laws, the price paid for aluminum and glass, and the dedication of local groups or commandeered prisoners set out to pick the roadside clear, the patterns would make no sense. The missing link in the evolution of man is not a particular pile of bones as yet undiscovered, it is the teams of genetic engineers who periodically descended on Earth to check on their handiwork, and left when mankind had made another leap.

ZetaTalk: Dinosaur Extinction

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995.

Habitable planets are in the minority, as your scientists well know. Habitable planets that can sustain life long enough for intelligent species to evolve are in an even slimmer minority. The reasons for this reduction is the number of catastrophes that can befall evolving life, setting the clock all the way back. Catastrophes are many, and involve more than cataclysms.

In the main, evolving life falls because of the tiniest enemy, microorganisms which are likewise constantly evolving. Microorganisms have more flexibility than larger animals and greater mobility than plants. They can change hosts if their original host is not available. They have fewer factors to deal with. Where a large animal must only breath air or water but most often not both, and locate and eat non-poisonous food in sufficient quantity to sustain its bulk, and find a mate and then carry and rear the young - microorganisms have an easier time of it all around. They can survive in water or air, most often, eat most anything at hand, divide to produce young and all in a day. What we are telling you is that the dinosaurs did not die because their food source failed to grow due to the gloom from dust thrown up from a meteor impact, nor did small mammals chew up their eggs faster than they could hatch. They died because they were genetically related, and were thus similarly susceptible to the same microorganisms. The