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kiyanyn про серию Вот это я попал!

Переписанная Википедия в области оружия, изредка перемежающаяся рассказами о том, как ГГ в одиночку, а потом вдвоем :) громил немецкие дивизии, попутно дирижируя случайно оказавшимися в кустах симфоническими оркестрами.


Рейтинг: +2 ( 3 за, 1 против).
Влад и мир про Семенов: Нежданно-негаданно... (Альтернативная история)

Автор несёт полную чушь. От его рассуждений уши вянут, логики ноль. Ленин был отличным экономистом и умел признавать свои ошибки. Его экономическим творчеством стал НЭП. Китайцы привязали НЭП к новым условиям - уничтожения свободного рынка на основе золота и серебра и существование спекулятивного на основе фантиков МВФ. И поимели все технологии мира в придачу к ввозу промышленности. Сталин частично разрушил Ленинский НЭП, добил его

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Рейтинг: +5 ( 5 за, 0 против).
Влад и мир про Шенгальц: Черные ножи (Альтернативная история)

Читать не интересно. Стиль написания - тягомотина и небывальщина. Как вы представляете 16 летнего пацана за 180, худого, болезненного, с больным сердцем, недоедающего, работающего по 12 часов в цеху по сборке танков, при этом имеющий силы вставать пораньше и заниматься спортом и тренировкой. Тут и здоровый человек сдохнет. Как всегда автор пишет о чём не имеет представление. Я лично общался с рабочим на заводе Свердлова, производившего

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Рейтинг: +2 ( 2 за, 0 против).
Влад и мир про Владимиров: Ирландец 2 (Альтернативная история)

Написано хорошо. Но сама тема не моя. Становление мафиози! Не люблю ворьё. Вор на воре сидит и вором погоняет и о ворах книжки сочиняет! Любой вор всегда себя считает жертвой обстоятельств, мол не сам, а жизнь такая! А жизнь кругом такая, потому, что сам ты такой! С арифметикой у автора тоже всё печально, как и у ГГ. Простая задачка. Есть игроки, сдающие определённую сумму для участия в игре и получающие определённое количество фишек. Если в

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Рейтинг: +2 ( 2 за, 0 против).
DXBCKT про Дамиров: Курсант: Назад в СССР (Детективная фантастика)

Месяца 3-4 назад прочел (а вернее прослушал в аудиоверсии) данную книгу - а руки (прокомментировать ее) все никак не доходили)) Ну а вот на выходных, появилось время - за сим, я наконец-таки сподобился это сделать))

С одной стороны - казалось бы вполне «знакомая и местами изьезженная» тема (чуть не сказал - пластинка)) С другой же, именно нюансы порой позволяют отличить очередной «шаблон», от действительно интересной вещи...

В начале

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Рейтинг: +2 ( 2 за, 0 против).

Mahler's Aggressive Strength Kettlebell Workshop Manual [Mike Mahler] (fb2) читать постранично

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The exercises and advice contained within this book may be too difficult or dangerous for some people, and the reader(s) should consult a physician before engaging in them.

The author and publisher of this book are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury which may occur through reading and following the instructions herein.

Mahler's Aggressive Strength Kettlebell Workshop Manual

A Mike Mahler Book/June 2003

All rights reserved. Copyright 2003 by Mike Mahler

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Copyright 2003, Mike Mahler

Section I: Kettlebell Exercises

One-arm Kettlebell Clean

Exercise Description

Place a kettlebell between your feet. As you bend down to grab the kettlebell, push your butt back and keep your eyes looking forward. Bring the kettlebell straight up using body momentum (don't even think about trying to curl it). Drive through with the hips and raise the kettlebell to your shoulder.

Performance Tips

• Crush-grip the kettlebell in the starting position.

• Open your hand as the bell passes your waist and get your hand around the kettlebell.

• Breathe in forcefully as you clean the kettlebell and out as you lower the kettlebell.

• Contract your midsection and glutes at the top position to brace for the weight.

Bottoms-up Clean From The Hang Position

Exercise Description

Initiate the exercise by standing upright with a kettlebell in one hand. Swing the kettlebell back forcefully and then reverse the motion forcefully. Crush the kettlebell handle as hard as possible and raise the kettlebell to your shoulder.

Performance Tips

• Keep a fairly loose grip when you swing the kettlebell back

• Crush the handle as hard as possible as you clean the kettlebell to your shoulder.

• Flex your bicep and shoulder as hard as possible in the top position

• Breathe in as you clean the kettlebell to your shoulder and breathe out as you lower the kettlebell to the starting position.

Two-arm Kettlebell Clean

Exercise Description

Place two kettlebells between your feet. To get in the starting position, push your butt back and look straight ahead. Raise the kettlebells straight up as fast as possible and take the kettlebells to your shoulders. Lower the kettlebells back to the floor and repeat.

Performance Tips

• Breathe in as you clean the kettlebells to your shoulders.

• Drive through forcefully with your hips

• Get your hands around the kettlebells, rather than letting the kettlebells flip around and bang up your wrists.

• Flex your stomach and glutes at the top of the clean to brace for the kettlebells.

• Avoid rounding your back at all times.

Alternating Kettlebell Clean

Exercise Description

Place two kettlebells between your feet. To get in the starting position, push your butt back and look straight ahead. Clean one kettlebell to your shoulder and hold on to the other kettlebell. Take the cleaned kettlebell back to the floor and then clean the other kettlebell.

Performance Tips

• Make sure to start each repetition with both kettlebells on the floor.

• As you clean one kettlebell, let the other kettlebell hang in the opposite arm. Do not shrug the kettlebell or bend your elbow.

• Breathe in as you clean one kettlebell and out as you take one kettlebell back to the floor.

One-arm Kettlebell Military Press To The Side

Exercise Description

Clean a kettlebell to your shoulder. Look at the kettlebell and press it up and out until it is locked out overhead. Lower the kettlebell back to your shoulder under control and repeat.

Performance Tips

• Try holding your breath as you press the weight (Caution: Make sure to clear this with your doctor if you have high blood pressure or any heart problems).

• Look at the kettlebell as you press and lower it.

• Flex your lat as hard as possible before pressing the weight for added stability and power.

• As you lower the kettlebell back to the starting position, actively pull it with your lat as if you are doing a lat pull-down or chin up.

• Contract your abs and glutes as hard as possible as you press the kettlebell for added stability and power

• Crush the kettlebell handle as hard as possible for increased strength.

One-arm Kettlebell Press Looking Forward

Exercise Description

This press resembles the Arnold press and is more common in gyms. Looking straight ahead, press the kettlebell out and overhead as if you are trying to make half of a circle. Press the kettlebell behind your head and lean forward slightly at the top for a stronger lockout.

Performance Tips

• Try holding your breath as you press the weight (Caution: Make sure to clear this with your doctor if you have high blood pressure or any heart problems).

• Look straight ahead (not up or down) as you press and lower the kettlebell.

• Flex your lat as hard as possible before pressing the weight for added stability and power.

• As you lower the kettlebell back to the starting position, actively pull it with your lat as if you are doing a lat pull-down or chin up.

• Contract your abs and glutes as hard as possible as you press the kettlebell for added stability and power

• Crush the kettlebell handle as hard as possible for increased strength.

One-arm Kettlebell Para Press

Exercise Description

Clean a kettlebell out to your shoulder. Press the kettlebell straight overhead and then lower the kettlebell back to your shoulder.

Performance Tips

• Try holding your breath as you press the kettlebell (Caution: Make sure to clear this with your doctor if you have high blood pressure or any heart problems).

• Look straight ahead (not up or down) as you press and lower the kettlebell.

• Flex your lat as hard as possible before pressing the weight for added stability and power.

• As you lower the kettlebell back to the starting position, actively pull it with your lat as if you are doing a lat pull-down or chin up.

• Contract your abs and glutes as hard as possible as you press the kettlebell for added stability and power.

• Crush the kettlebell handle as hard as possible for increased strength.

Seated One-arm Kettlebell Military Press