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Влад и мир про Найденов: Артефактор. Книга третья (Попаданцы)

Выше оценки неплохо 3 том не тянет. Читать далее эту книгу стало скучно. Автор ударился в псевдо экономику и т.д. И выглядит она наивно. Бумага на основе магической костной муки? Где взять такое количество и кто позволит? Эта бумага от магии меняет цвет. То есть кто нибудь стал магичеть около такой ксерокопии и весь документ стал черным. Вспомните чеки кассовых аппаратов на термобумаге. Раз есть враги подобного бизнеса, то они довольно

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Stix_razrushitel про Дебров: Звездный странник-2. Тропы миров (Альтернативная история)

выложено не до конца книги

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Михаил Самороков про Мусаниф: Физрук (Боевая фантастика)

Начал читать. Очень хорошо. Слог, юмор, сюжет вменяемый.
Четыре с плюсом.
Заканчиваю читать. Очень хорошо. И чем-то на Славу Сэ похоже.
Из недочётов - редкие!!! очепятки, и кое-где тся-ться, но некритично абсолютно.

Рейтинг: +2 ( 2 за, 0 против).
Влад и мир про Д'Камертон: Странник (Приключения)

Начал читать первую книгу и увидел, что данный автор натурально гадит на чужой труд по данной теме Стикс. Если нормальные авторы уважают работу и правила создателей Стикса, то данный автор нет. Если стикс дарит один случайный навык, а следующие только раскачкой жемчугом, то данный урод вставил в наглую вписал правила игр РПГ с прокачкой любых навыков от любых действий и убийств. Качает все сразу.Не люблю паразитов гадящих на чужой

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Рейтинг: +1 ( 2 за, 1 против).
Влад и мир про Коновалов: Маг имперской экспедиции (Попаданцы)

Книга из серии тупой и ещё тупей. Автор гениален в своей тупости. ГГ у него вместо узнавания прошлого тела, хотя бы что он делает на корабле и его задачи, интересуется биологией места экспедиции. Магию он изучает самым глупым образом. Методам втыка, причем резко прогрессирует без обучения от колебаний воздуха до левитации шлюпки с пассажирами. Выпавшую из рук японца катану он подхватил телекинезом, не снимая с трупа ножен, но они

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Тесты по английскому языку [Ирина И Кошмарова] (pdf) читать постранично

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Ирина Кошманова

Л. • • 1

Ирина Кошманова


Третье издание


УДК 811.111(075)
ББК 81.2Англ-2


Серия «Домашний репетитор»® основана в 1996 году.

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Кошманова И. И.
Тесты по английскому языку. — 3-е изд. — М.:
Айрис-пресс, 2004. — 256 с. — (Домашний репети-

ISBN 5-8112-0568-6
Сборник содержит тесты четырех уровней сложности, предназначенные для проверки орфографии, грамматики, лексики
и словоупотребления.
Приводимые в сборнике тесты аналогичны предлагаемым
на вступительных экзаменах в учебных заведениях. Тесты
разнообразны по структуре и снабжены ключами.
ВБК 81.2Англ-2
УДК 811.111(075)
ISBN 5-8112-0568-6

© Айрис-пресс, 1999, 2002, 2004

Passive Voice


Test 48 (A)

Active or Passive. Choose the correct form of each verb.
What Is Wonderful About the Brain?
Inside your head is a remarkable organ, the brain. You
use it to understand and remember things that
(to happen) around you.
The brain is soft and spongy. It
(to make
up) of billions of tiny parts called cells. Three coats or
(to cover) the brain.
The brain sometimes
(to call) the busiest
communication centre in the world. The brain
control) your body functions and keeps all parts of your body
working together. Thousands of messages from all parts of
the body
(to send) to and from the brain. Messages
(to carry) to the brain by sensory nerves. Special
places, or centres, on the brain receive sensory messages from
all parts of the body. When messages
(to receive)
by centres, the brain
(to interpret) them.
All day long your muscles and your brain
(to work). By the end of the day they
(to be
tired). Then your brain and your muscles
start) to relax. Before long, you go to sleep. As you sleep, the
big muscles in your body relax.
1. A) are happened
C) happens
2. A) is made up
C) made up
3. A) is covered
C) cover
4. A) is called
C) calls

B) are happening
B) makes up
B) covered
B) has called

1. I
be a hammer than nail.
stay home tonight?
3. I
nobody knew about his arrival.
4. You
get the report finished before you leave.
5. You
pay more attention to the people around
6. You
invest that money in something safe.
7. I
have good health than a small fortune.
8. We
take a taxi or we'll miss the train.
9. We
you didn't come with us.
LO. I think everybody
learn driving a car.

Test 47 (B)
Right / wrong — modal verbs. Find the mistake and correct it.
A) right
B) wrong

1. Fred doesn't go to school so he has not to get up so
2. It's very unlikely, but he might be prepared to help
3. You'd better to do as the doctor says and take the
4. Horses can sleeping standing.
5- Could you light a fire yourself when you were seven?
6. You shouldn't eat all food at once.
7. You can to buy only second-hand books in that shop.
8. They want have to go there next week.
9. All drivers of cars should wear seat belts. Seat belts
make driving much safer.
10. You needn't to wait for me.
11. You may eat your supper so quickly. Do you want to get
a stomach ache?
12. Cactus plants needn't much water. That's why they
cannot grow in the dry desert.
13. You shouldn't to try to crack nuts with your teeth.
14. We would rather you cooked dinner for us.


Test 45 (B-C)


Must I may / might. Fill in.
A) must
B) may

C) might

I borrow your ruler?
2. It isn't certain, but he
be a millionaire in twc
years' time.
3. That
be Charlie. He said he would be here about
4. You
make a little less noise.
5. Jane
still'be in her office, but she usually leaves
before six.
6. The house repairs
cost more than the house is
7. It was so quiet that one
hear a leaf drop.
8. Nobody
leave the hall before the exam has
9. He himself gave me the directions so they
10. You were lucky. You
have broken your neck,
11. There
be a heavy frost during the night.
12. You must drive on the left in England.
13. There
be a leak in this football; otherwise it
wouldn't get soft so quickly.
14. She noticed that she
be late.
15. He
be clever, but he hasn't got much common
16. George
be strong: he can lift heavy weights.
the New Year bring everybody their heart


Test 46 (B-C)

Modal idioms. Choose A), B) or C).
A) had better
B) would rather


О should

d) you
do something within five seconds.
5. We read a long poem in the class yesterday. It was
boring. I'm glad we
learn it by heart.
6. Jack has already cleaned his bicycle so he
do it
7. You
be here by 9.00 if you want to be sure of a seat.
8. You
walk on the grass!
9. Once or twice we lost our way and
ask a policeman
for directions.
.0. You
put your entry into the box before Friday if
you want to enter the contest.


Test 44 (A-B)

Mustn't I shouldn't I needn't. Fill in.
A) should
B) shouldn't
D) mustn't
E) needn't


C) must

1. You
think about the future and not about the
2. You
have a visa to travel to some countries.
3. However, if you come from an EEC country and you
want to travel to another one, you
worry about
visas. You
even take your passport.
4. If you are travelling by air, you
carry anything
in your luggage that could be used as a weapon, such aa
a knife or a pair of scissors.
5. You
use your energy unless you have to.
6. Books
be returned on or before the date stamped
7. They look alike. They
be twins.
8. Do you know how it
be done?
9. If Jane
phone, ask her to wait for us.
10. You
walk alone around the town late at night.
11. We
have taken a wrong map.
12. I think you
have told her you were sorry.
13. We
have done the work so quickly. We could
have taken our time.

4. They didn't have any shampoo so they ..
their hair.
5. When the ship disappeared, Mary cried and cried. She
stop crying.
6. They won't
to drive a car until they are eighteen.
they hear it before they saw it?
8. When she was a baby, she
only cry.
9. You
enter the club without a card.
10. You
do it even if you tried.
11. He used to
speak Italian well.
12. Cheques
be accepted only with a bank card.
13. You
easily have done it.
14. In two weeks you will
speak another language.
15. I stepped aside so that she
go in.
16. The news
be true! I don't believe you.
17. We
have driven to the city in two hours if we
hadn't stopped for lunch.
18. As the ship entered the harbour, we
see the
Statue of Liberty.

Test 43 (A)
Have to I must. Fill in.
A) must
B) mustn't
D) don't have to E) had to
G) will have