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Koveshnikov про Nic Saint: Purrfectly Dogged. Purrfectly Dead. Purrfect Saint (Детектив)


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pva2408 про Зайцев: Стратегия одиночки. Книга шестая (Героическое фэнтези)

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medicus про Русич: Стервятники пустоты (Боевая фантастика)

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cit: "Мягкие шелковистые волосы щекочут лицо. Сквозь вязкую дрему пробивается ласковый голос:
— Сыночек пора вставать!"

На втором же предложении автор, наверное, решил, что запятую можно спиздить и продать.

Рейтинг: +2 ( 2 за, 0 против).
vovih1 про Багдерина: "Фантастика 2024-76". Компиляция. Книги 1-26 (Боевая фантастика)

Спасибо автору по приведению в читабельный вид авторских текстов

Рейтинг: +3 ( 3 за, 0 против).
medicus про Маш: Охота на Князя Тьмы (Детективная фантастика)

cit anno: "студентка факультета судебной экспертизы"

Хорошая аннотация, экономит время. С четырёх слов понятно, что автор не знает, о чём пишет, примерно нихрена.

Рейтинг: +1 ( 1 за, 0 против).

Словарь-компаньон для тех, кто изучает экономику [Валентина Анатольевна Кононова] (pdf) читать постранично, страница - 3

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parties to a transaction with less access to information try to protect themselves against the consequences of the information asymmetry.

AVERAGE FIXED COST – средние постоянные затраты
Average fixed cost is the fixed cost divided by the quantity of output.

AVERAGE REVENUE – средняя выручка
Average revenue is total revenue divided by the quantity sold. Average
revenue tells us how much revenue a firm receives for the typical unit

AVERAGE TAX RATE – средняя ставка налогообложения, средняя
налоговая ставка
An average tax rate is total taxes paid divided by total income.
When discussing the efficiency and equity of income taxes, economists
distinguish between two notions of the tax rate: the average and the marginal. The average tax rate is total taxes paid divided by total income. The
marginal tax rate is the extra taxes paid on an additional dollar of income.

AVERAGE TOTAL COST – средние валовые затраты
Average total cost is total cost divided by the quantity of output.
To find the cost of the typical unit produced, we would divide the firm’s
costs by the quantity of output it produces. For example, if the firm produces 2 cups of coffee per hour, its total cost is $3.80, and the cost of the
typical cup is $3.80/2, or $1.90. Total cost divided by the quantity of output is called average total cost.

AVERAGE VARIABLE COST – средние переменные издержки
Average variable cost is the variable cost divided by the quantity of output.

AUTOMATIC STABILIZERS – автоматические стабилизаторы
Automatic stabilisers are changes in fiscal policy that stimulate aggregate demand when the economy goes into a recession without policymakers having to take any deliberate action; they are factors that automatically, without any action by government authorities, work toward stabilising
the economy by reducing the short term fluctuations of the business cycle.
Two important automatic stabilizers are progressive income taxes and unemployment benefits.

AVERAGE COSTS – удельная стоимость единицы продукции; средние затраты в длительном периоде; средние издержки
Average costs are costs per unit of output, or the cost of each unit of output on average. They are calculated by dividing total cost by the number
of units of output produced.

AVERAGE FIXED COSTS – средние постоянные затраты
Average fixed costs are fixed cost per unit of output, or the fixed cost of
each unit of output on average. They are calculated by dividing fixed cost
by the number of units of output produced.

AVERAGE PRODUCT – усреднённый продукт; средний продукт
Average product is the total quantity of output of a firm per unit of variable input (such as labour); shows how much output each unit of the variable input (for example, each worker) produces on average.

AVERAGE REVENUE – средняя выручка
Average revenue is revenue per unit of output sold, calculated by dividing total revenue by the number of units of output produced.

AVERAGE TAX RATE – средняя ставка налогообложения
Average tax rate is tax paid divided by total income, expressed as a percentage (i.e. tax paid divided by total income multiplied by 100).

AVERAGE TOTAL COSTS – средние совокупные издержки
Average total costs are total cost per unit of output, or the total cost of
each unit of output on average. They are calculated by dividing total costs
by the number of units of output; they are also equal to the sum of average
fixed costs and average variable costs.

AVERAGE VARIABLE COSTS – средние переменные издержки
Average variable costs are variable cost per unit of output, or the variable cost of each unit of output on average. They are calculated by dividing
variable cost by the number of units of output.

BALANCE OF PAYMENTS – равновесие платежного баланса
Balance of payments is a record (usually for a year) of all transactions
between the residents of a country and the residents of all other countries,
showing all payments received from other countries (credits), and all
payments made to other countries (debits). In the course of a year, the sum
of all the credits must be equal to the sum of all the debits.

BALANCE OF TRADE IN GOODS – сальдо торгового баланса
Balance of trade in goods is part of the balance of payments, it is the
value of exports of goods minus the value of imports of goods over a specific period of time (usually a year).

BALANCE OF TRADE IN SERVICES – сальдо внешней торговли

Balance of trade in services is part of the balance of payments, it is the
value of exports of services minus the value of imports of services over
a specific period of time (usually a year).

BALANCE ON CAPITAL ACCOUNT – баланс движения капиталов
Balance on capital account is the sum of inflows minus outflows of
funds in the capital account of the balance of payments.

BALANCE ON CURRENT ACCOUNT – платёжный баланс по текущим операциям; остаток на текущем счёте
Balance on current account is the sum of inflows minus outflows of
funds in the current account of the balance of payments.

BALANCED BUDGET – сбалансированный бюджет
Balanced budget – the term refers usually to the government’s budget, it
is the situation where government tax revenues are equal to government
expenditures over a specific period of time (usually a year).

BALANCED TRADE – нетто-баланс внешней торговли (торговый
баланс, в котором объём экспорта равен объёму импорта)
Balanced trade a situation in which exports equal imports. If net exports
are zero, its exports and imports are exactly equal, and the country is said
to have balanced trade.

BARRIERS TO ENTRY – барьеры входа; барьеры для доступа
(ограничения по проникновению на рынок новых производителей)
Barriers to entry refers to anything that can prevent a firm from entering
an industry and beginning production, as a result limiting the degree of
competition in the industry.

BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS – бихевиористская экономика, поведенческая экономика
Behavioral economics is the subfield of economics that integrates the
insights of psychology.
Economics is a study of human behavior, but it is not the only field that
can make that claim. The social science of psychology also sheds light on
the choices that people make in their lives. The fields of economics and
psychology usually proceed independently, in part because they address

a different range of questions. But recently, a field called behavioral
economics has emerged in which economists are making use of basic
psychological insights.

BENEFITS PRINCIPLE – принцип полезности
Benefits principle is the idea that people should pay taxes based on the
benefits they receive from government services.
One principle of taxation, called the benefits principle, states that people
should pay taxes based on the benefits they receive from government services. This principle tries to make public goods similar to private goods.
It seems fair that a person who often goes to the movies pays more in total
for movie tickets than a person who rarely goes. Similarly, a person who
gets great benefit from a public good should pay more for it than a person
who gets little benefit.

BILATERAL TRADE AGREEMENT – двустороннее торговое
Bilateral trade agreement is any trade agreement (or agreement to lower
international trade barriers) involving two trading partners, usually two
countries. It may also involve a trade agreement between one country and
another group of countries when this groups acts as a single unit (such as
the European Union). It may be contrasted with regional trade agreement
and multilateral trade agreement.

BOND – облигация,