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medicus про Маш: Охота на Князя Тьмы (Детективная фантастика)

cit anno: "студентка факультета судебной экспертизы"

Хорошая аннотация, экономит время. С четырёх слов понятно, что автор не знает, о чём пишет, примерно нихрена.

Рейтинг: 0 ( 0 за, 0 против).
serge111 про Лагик: Раз сыграл, навсегда попал (Боевая фантастика)

маловразумительная ерунда, да ещё и с беспричинным матом с первой же страницы. Как будто какой-то гопник писал... бее

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medicus про Aerotrack: Бесконечная чернота (Космическая фантастика)

Коктейль "ёрш" от фантастики. Первые две трети - космофантастика о девственнике 34-х лет отроду, что нашёл артефакт Древних и звездолёт, на котором и отправился в одиночное путешествие по галактикам. Последняя треть - фэнтези/литРПГ, где главный герой на магической планете вместе с кошкодевочкой снимает уровни защиты у драконов. Получается неудобоваримое блюдо: те, кому надо фэнтези, не проберутся через первые две трети, те же, кому надо

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Влад и мир про Найденов: Артефактор. Книга третья (Попаданцы)

Выше оценки неплохо 3 том не тянет. Читать далее эту книгу стало скучно. Автор ударился в псевдо экономику и т.д. И выглядит она наивно. Бумага на основе магической костной муки? Где взять такое количество и кто позволит? Эта бумага от магии меняет цвет. То есть кто нибудь стал магичеть около такой ксерокопии и весь документ стал черным. Вспомните чеки кассовых аппаратов на термобумаге. Раз есть враги подобного бизнеса, то они довольно

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Stix_razrushitel про Дебров: Звездный странник-2. Тропы миров (Альтернативная история)

выложено не до конца книги

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Dennis Wheatley

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Dennis Yates Wheatley (8 January 1897 – 10 November 1977) [Born: Dennis Yeats Wheatley] was an English author. His prolific output of stylish thrillers and occult novels made him one of the world's best-selling authors in the 1950s and 1960s.
His first book, Three Inquisitive People, was not immediately published; but his first published novel, The Forbidden Territory, was an immediate success when published in 1933, being reprinted seven times in seven weeks.
He wrote adventure stories, with many books in a series of linked works. His plots covered the French Revolution (Roger Brook Series), Satanism (Duc de Richleau), World War II (Gregory Sallust) and espionage (Julian Day).
In the thirties, he conceived a series of whodunit mysteries, presented as case files, with testimonies, letters, pieces of evidence such as hairs or pills. The reader had to go through the evidence to solve the mystery before unsealing the last pages of the file, which gave the answer. Four of these 'Crime Dossiers' were published: Murder Off Miami, Who Killed Robert Prentice, The Malinsay Massacre, and Herewith The Clues.
In the 1960s his publishers were selling a million copies of his books per year. A small number of his books were made into films by Hammer, of which the best known is The Devil Rides Out (book 1934, film 1968). His writing is very descriptive and in many works he manages to introduce his characters into real events while meeting real people. For example, in the Roger Brook series the main character involves himself with Napoleon, and Joséphine whilst being a spy for the Prime Minister William Pitt. Similarly, in the Gregory Sallust series, Sallust shares an evening meal with Hermann Göring.
He also wrote non-fiction works, including accounts of the Russian Revolution and King Charles II, and his autobiography. He was considered an authority on the supernatural, satanism, the practice of exorcism, and black magic, to all of which he was hostile. During his study of the paranormal, though, he joined the Ghost Club.
From 1974 through 1977 he edited a series of 45 paperback reprints for the British publisher Sphere under the heading "The Dennis Wheatley Library of the Occult", selecting the titles and writing short introductions for each book. This series included both occult-themed novels by the likes of Bram Stoker and Aleister Crowley and non-fiction works on magic, occultism, and divination by authors such as the Theosophist H. P. Blavatsky, the historian Maurice Magre, the magician Isaac Bonewits, and the palm-reader Cheiro.
Two weeks before his death in November 1977, Wheatley received conditional absolution from his old friend Cyril ‘Bobby’ Eastaugh, the Bishop of Peterborough.
His estate library was sold in a catalogue sale by Basil Blackwell's in the 1970s, indicating a thoroughly well-read individual with wide-ranging interests particularly in historical fiction and Europe. His influence has declined, partly due to difficulties in reprinting his works owing to copyright problems.
Fifty-two of Wheatley's novels were published posthumously in a set by Heron Books UK. More recently, in April 2008 Dennis Wheatley's literary estate was acquired by media company Chorion.
He invented a number of board games including Invasion.

website http://www.denniswheatley.info/

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duke de richleau
gregory sallust
Шпионский детектив  
lost world
molly fountain
roger brook

Исторический детектив  

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